Labeled point cloud files with 2 echos in .bag and .npy format. 25 bags, first 19 fully labeled and another 6 (numbers 20-25) without cutting out human. Folders: /1_train_val_set: Fully labeled, using accumulated start frames, also cut out people /2_test_set: Labeled, using accumulated start frames, people still also labeled as smoke Subfolders: /numpy_files Contains .npy files /rosbags Contains .bag files Naming: -dust_labeled_spaces Dust bag, fully labeled, also cut out human using space information -smoke_labeled_spaces Smoke bag, fully labeled, also cut out human using space information -smoke_labeled Smoke bag, labeled, people still also labeled as smoke .bag files: Topics: /velodyne_points_dual and /velodyne_points written at 10 Hz Both topics are PointCloud2 messages channels per topic: [x, y, z, intensity, ring, l_non, l_dust, l_smoke] .npy files: shape: [number_frames, points_per_frame, 13] 13 entries: [x_echo_1, y_echo1, z_echo_1, intensity_echo_1, ring, x_echo_2, y_echo_2, z_echo_2, intensity_echo_2, ring, label_non, label_dust, label_smoke] echo_1: corresponds to rostopic /velodyne_points_dual, echo_2: corresponds to rostopic /velodyne_points